How To Quit Smoking Tips
Stop smoking and your body will start to repair the damage done almost immediately.
The 4 D's which will help you to stop smoking:
- Drink water
- Deep breathing
- Delay
- Do something different
Tips and guides about career, finance, health, weight loss, wellness and leisure for improving the lives of women.
Stop smoking and your body will start to repair the damage done almost immediately.
The 4 D's which will help you to stop smoking:
Posted by Ana 2 comments
Smoking creates many health problems. Women who smoke are sick more often than women who do not:
Posted by Ana 1 comments
Have you hit a quarter-life crisis? Are you hearing from friends, family, and everyone around you that you're "supposed to":
You are not alone. Women in their twenties and early thirties face greater pressure to succeed than ever before. And those who don't "have it all" can be left feeling guilty, full of doubt, and resentful.
In Who Cares What You're Supposed to Do, nationally acclaimed clinical psychologist Victoria Dickerson lifts the pressure to "fit in" by showing you how to:
Posted by Ana 0 comments