December 28, 2006

How to Cure a Hangover After a Wild Night

Hangovers, caused by excessive consumption of alcoholic drinks, are no fun and can be very embarrassing - you wake up next morning very tired, irritated, depressed, with a dry mouth, headache, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, elevated body temperature, hyper salivation, difficulty concentrating, anxiety, irritability, sensitivity to light and noise, erratic motor functions and trouble sleeping.

There are no magical cures for hangover yet. Some pills will promise you wonders but trust me, they don't work. You will be surprised to know that the hangover affect can be reduced with some simple home remedies. All you need is a banana, water, fruit juice, ice and some fresh air.

The effects of a hangover last about 24 hours, so be patient. You'll soon feel better and ready, inevitably, to do it all again.

December 9, 2006

The Dove Real Beauty

I just stumbled across another Dove advertisement, part of the "real beauty" campaign, which I think is pure genius. The reality of what goes on when "beauty" is used to market products.

For more info see the Dove Self Esteem Fund.

Sponsored by:
Acnezine - Natural Skin Antioxidant Treatment.

December 6, 2006

Natural appetite suppressant Hoodia gordonii

Hoodia gordonii, a natural appetite suppressant, is earning attention as a potentially powerful weapon in the war against obesity on losing weight.

If you haven't heard about the supplement hoodia, here are the key points you need to know:

  • Hoodia gordonii looks like a cactus, but it's actually a succulent from the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa. Bushmen from the area have been using hoodia for centuries to help ward off hunger during long trips in the desert.
  • Hoodia gordonii is entirely natural -- it is not a drug. Pharmaceutical companies find it so promising, however, that they are trying to isolate the appetite-suppressing molecule, P57, to create a patented diet drug in the future.
  • Only the gordonii variation of hoodia has appetite suppressant abilities.
  • Hoodia tricks the brain into thinking you've eaten, and makes you feel full.
  • Hoodia may work right away, or may take several weeks.
  • Key results of hoodia reported include a reduced interest in food, delay in the time after eating before hunger sets in again, feeling full more quickly, and a general feeling of well-being
  • Hoodia gordonii is not a stimulant, and has no known side effects.
  • Hoodia appears to be safe for most people.
  • I've been taking hoodia periodically since early 2004 and find it can be a help in an overall weight loss effort.
Sponsored by: Hoodia Gordonii Plus

November 10, 2006

How To Quit Smoking Tips

Stop smoking and your body will start to repair the damage done almost immediately.

The 4 D's which will help you to stop smoking:

  • Drink water
  • Deep breathing
  • Delay
  • Do something different
Sponsored by: Nicocure Stop smoking in 30 days or less.

Smoking Creates Health Problems

Smoking creates many health problems. Women who smoke are sick more often than women who do not:

  • Smoking will accelerate the appearance of wrinkles and ages your skin.
  • Women who smoke die of lung cancer and other smoking related diseases.
  • Women who smoke have almost three times as much bronchitis or emphysema, more chronic sinusitis compared to women who don't smoke.
  • Smoking affects pregnancy and the health of the baby.
  • The risk of serious effects on the heart and blood vessels may be several times greater for women who use birth-control pills and also smoke cigarettes, compared to those who are on the pill but do not smoke.
  • More women die from lung cancer than from breast cancer.
Don't trust tobacco companies which would like you to believe otherwise.

Sponsored by: Nicocure Stop smoking in 30 days or less.

November 9, 2006

Who Cares What You're Supposed to Do?

Have you hit a quarter-life crisis? Are you hearing from friends, family, and everyone around you that you're "supposed to":

  • Have a fabulous career
  • Be financially independent
  • Be married with children
  • Have your own home
  • Enjoy a busy social life
  • Have a great body
  • AND do it all right?

You are not alone. Women in their twenties and early thirties face greater pressure to succeed than ever before. And those who don't "have it all" can be left feeling guilty, full of doubt, and resentful.

In Who Cares What You're Supposed to Do, nationally acclaimed clinical psychologist Victoria Dickerson lifts the pressure to "fit in" by showing you how to:

  • Get a Man: Get married and have children - or at least become involved in a meaningful relationship that will eventually lead to a commitment.
  • Have a Career: Find a job you have "passion" for and that will eventually lead to a career.
  • Make It on Your Own: Become financially independent and self-sufficient.
  • Look Good, Be Thin: Stay attractive, pay special attention to your appearance, and keep fit.
  • Be Popular: Create an active social life and have tons of friends.
  • Leave the Nest: Strike out on your own and have your own life.
  • Follow the Rules: Do it right and in a timely fashion, even if you're not sure it's exactly what you really want.

October 5, 2006

Welcom to Lady Like Me

This is my first post and I'm just going to say hi to all ladies out there. Hope you all will enjoy my future posts.